Sleeper hit Ping pong The Animation was recognized at the Tokyo Anime Awards Festival through winning the Grand Prize award for Television Anime of the Year. Masaaki Yuasa directed the anime adaptation of Taiyo Matsumoto's Ping pong manga for Fuji Television's Noitamina block.
While Yuasa himself wasn't present at the awards ceremony, he wrote a note of gratitude for the award while confirming he was working on a brand new project with fellow TAAF honor winner Nobutake Ito, who won the most beneficial Animator award, also for Ping pong.
RT@pingpong_anime: 【祝】東京アニメアワードフェスティバルのアニメオブザイヤー、テレビ部門グランプリを「ピンポン」が受賞しました! #ピンポンアニメ
— 木村昴 (@GiantSUBAru) 22 Maret 2015
Closer to home, FUNimation recently announced that it would release Ping Pong in a Blu-Ray/DVD combo later this year with an English dub. If you consider yourself a fan of Yuasa's style, there's a chance to show FUNimation it was worth picking up.
東京アニメアワードフェスティバル2015でアニメオブザイヤーテレビ部門グランプリを「ピンポン」が受賞!湯浅監督からコメントを頂きました!湯浅監督&伊東さんがオリジナル劇場アニメ制作中です!こちらもお楽しみに! #ピンポンアニメ
— アニメ『ピンポン』 (@pingpong_anime) 22 Maret 2015
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